Being the Light

An Inner Journey to Accelerate Your Conscious Evolution in Challenging Times



Being the Light

An Inner Journey to Accelerate Your Conscious Evolution in Challenging Times


An Invitation from Eckhart Tolle

Dear friends, 

There is no doubt that humanity is at an important point in its evolutionary journey toward a more awakened consciousness. Many people have been undergoing a shift in consciousness and are going deeper to become aware of something that cannot be seen but is rather felt. The world situation is now calling more and more of us to take this inner journey. 

In this online course, Being the Light, I invite you to not only realize this shift for yourself but also ensure that it becomes your predominant state of consciousness. This may be the kindest action we can take for our own growth and that of humanity. We begin to see the opportunity inherent in times of uncertainty and that our present state of consciousness is what shapes our reality in the future.

When you are internally aligned with who you truly are, you open yourself to the experience of peace and ease … you discover the doorway to true creativity … your relationships improve dramatically … and, ultimately, you realize that who and what you really are is something far beyond anything you could possibly conceive with the mind.

As we change individually, we assist in making shifts in the collective and our journey toward conscious evolution. 

You are the consciousness of the Universe or, as Jesus put it, “You are the light of the world.” There is no better time to discover this truth within yourself. 

I look forward to sharing with you more about these powerful teachings!

With you on the journey,

Encountering adversity ultimately deepens us and gives us access to our inner strength.” 


What Does It Mean to Be the Light?

There is a deeper reality within every human being that is beyond our personality and social identity. All spiritual teachings point to this, and because it is impossible to define in words, it has often been simply referred to as “inner light.”

Our modern word for this inner light is consciousness, and consciousness is perhaps the deepest mystery in the universe.

How do we live with more consciousness in our own lives? How do we activate this inner light as a force for good in the world during this critical time?

You can doubt everything about yourself but what you cannot doubt is that you are conscious.

When you reach a point where you transcend thinking but are quiet, alert, and present, you realize that there is a vast realm of consciousness that is aware. You are that one consciousness and we are all connected through it.

This is an experiential realization and the eternal mystery of who we are.

If you don’t know yourself as the light of consciousness, then you only know yourself as a separate person. And living life only in such an ego-identified state can be quite aggravating, lonely, and frustrating.

As you start to glimpse what “Being the Light” means, you become a benevolent force in the universe. You tap into creative inspirations that can contribute to both your own evolution and that of the planet, especially during these turbulent times.

How to Transform Adversity into Evolution

There’s so much challenge continuing in the collective field and Eckhart believes this is likely just the beginning.

What is the spiritual meaning behind these increasing challenges? We’re happy to share that Eckhart’s message is incredibly hopeful. The changes occurring are part of the universe becoming more conscious of itself, and you have a part to play.

Inside Being the Light you will learn more about:

We ALL Have an Opportunity to Bring Our Light into the World at This Critical Time and to Play an Essential Role in Conscious Evolution.


With greater consciousness, we are more available to the needs of our families and better able to keep them safe and secure.

Raise our children

As we move further into our own personal power, we foster the light in our children as well.

Care for our elders

Expanding our awareness allows us to honor our elders while offering care, compassion.

Protect the Environment

Embodying the one consciousness is essential to be the change we need for our world and the environment.

Build Conscious Businesses

Understanding that you are the light of the world moves you from a state of consumption to one of altruistic service.

Support a Just Society

Now is the time to expand our own spiritual understanding so that we can positively influence all sectors of society.

Teach the Next Generation

Our Presence is necessary in order to fully connect with those who are ready to receive it, especially children.

Create Art, Literature & Music

We are on the forefront of change and embracing our true nature allows us to bring more light to the world. 

Create Sustainable Communities

Awakening our consciousness allows us to create communities that are collaborative and sustainable.

Be in Loving Relationships

As we develop a deeper intimacy with ourselves, we develop a deeper connection with those around us.

Lead and Inspire Others

Our essence identity has purpose, but to inspire others in the world, we must touch a deeper level of transformation.

Connect with Consciousness 

Creating a new sense of consciousness and inner well-being is the foundation for creating a new world.

Here’s What You’ll Receive Inside This Program:

8 Online Teaching Modules with Eckhart Tolle on Being the Light to Create Personal and Collective Evolution

Join Eckhart Tolle for an unprecedented online training designed to teach you how to tap into your true nature for the benefit of all of humanity.

In this online eight-module training series, Eckhart will bring you on a journey to transcend fear and uncertainty and become an expression of the light of consciousness.
Here is what we will explore together: 

Online Embodiment Modules with Kim Eng

During this online teaching series with Kim Eng, you will be guided through practices that help you fully embody being the light. Join Kim Eng as you deepen your experience of the light within while awakening consciousness throughout your entire body. This 4-part teaching series will perfectly complement everything you will learn throughout the course so that you can integrate these teachings more fully into every aspect of your life.

Here is what we will explore together: 

Special Module on “Trusting Life” with Guest Faculty Iyanla Vanzant

In this bonus module, bestselling author and spiritual teacher Iyanla Vanzant helps us learn how to trust in ourselves, each other, and ultimately life itself. This timely and powerful teaching will help you open yourself up to trusting again, even during times of crisis.

Here is what we will explore together: 

Special module on “The Alchemy of Acceptance: How to Harness the Spiritual Potential of Adversity” with Guest Faculty Steve Taylor, PHD

In this exclusive guest faculty module, join lecturer and researcher in spiritual psychology, Steve Taylor, as he draws on teachings from his book, The Clear Light to explore the transformational power of acceptance.

Here is what we will explore together: 

A Privately Hosted Membership Community

As part of the program, you will receive exclusive access to a members-only online community.
This membership community will be hosted privately so that you and other course members can discuss, engage, and share your progress throughout the course. This is where you will build relationships and partake in an exclusive, like-minded community exploring how we can each become a being of light in the world. 

“I keep Eckhart’s book at my bedside. I think it’s essential spiritual teaching. It’s one of the most valuable books I’ve ever read.” 


Meet Your Guides

Eckhart Tolle is widely recognized as one of the most inspiring and visionary spiritual teachers in the world today. With his international bestsellers, The Power of Now and A New Earthtranslated into more than 50 languages—he has introduced millions to the joy and freedom of living life in the present moment. The New York Times has described him as “the most popular spiritual author in the United States,” and in 2011, Watkins Review named him “the most spiritually influential person in the world.”

Eckhart’s profound yet simple teachings have helped countless people around the globe experience a state of vibrantly alive inner peace in their daily lives. 

His teachings focus on the significance and power of Presence, the awakened state of consciousness, which transcends ego and discursive thinking. Eckhart sees this awakening as the essential next step in human evolution.

Kim Eng is a spiritual teacher and the creator of Presence Through Movement. She leads retreats and workshops internationally in partnership with Eckhart Tolle, and she teaches immersive online courses, including the breakthrough four-week immersion Awakening Through the Pain-Body. Her approach incorporates Eckhart’s wisdom into an embodied practice, enabling a deepening of Presence, the awakening of consciousness in our physical form.

She is also the creator of the instructional Presence Through Movement videos Qi Flow Yoga and Yin Yoga and the guided audio programs Meditations for a New Earth and Resist Nothing, featuring practices for addressing inner challenges to living a life of Presence.

Plus Receive the Following Additional Bonuses:


Staying Conscious in the Face of Adversity with Eckhart Tolle

[6+ Hours of Additional Video Teachings]

A 5-Part Teaching Series on How Crisis Can Propel Spiritual Awakening 

Recorded at the beginning of the pandemic, Eckhart Tolle created this special five-part teaching series to help people stay anchored in Presence and live with wisdom during this particularly tumultuous time. This series includes special teachings on transforming fear and anxiety into the power of “alert presence” and how we can relate to whatever adversity we might be facing as an accelerator of spiritual awakening.

Topics include:


Bringing Stillness into Everyday Life

A Special Teaching Program with Eckhart Tolle

Underneath everything you think and do, there is a stillness that is both vast and alive. This is who you are in your most essential nature—but once you’ve caught a glimpse, how do you integrate this discovery into daily living? This is the question Eckhart Tolle explores with you in Bringing Stillness into Everyday Life.

Topics include:

Live Weekly Virtual Community Group Gatherings

As a part of Being the Light, we are also offering an all-new and live series of community gatherings available exclusively for course participants!

To encourage your integration of the content, you are invited to participate in our LIVE Weekly Virtual Community Groups.

During these Zoom sessions, we will watch a 15-30 minute selection from the week’s teaching, then we will break into small groups, so you can learn from one another in community. This is a wonderful opportunity to practice Presence with others and to meet fellow learners in Being the Light.

Join us by registering today!

The Being the Light Online Program Summary
Here’s everything you’ll receive when you enroll:


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We unconditionally guarantee your satisfaction with all Eckhart Teachings products for one year when purchased via our website. If an Eckhart Teachings product fails to meet your expectations—for any reason—simply contact Eckhart Teachings customer service for a full refund. For items purchased from Eckhart Teachings that are manufactured by other companies, we indicate the warranty period in the product description.

Please note: We unconditionally guarantee your satisfaction with all Eckhart Teachings products for one year when purchased via our website. If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase of Being the Light for any reason, simply return it with a receipt for a full refund.

 All audio and video titles are also covered by a one-year guarantee.

“If a course of action is in alignment with what the universe wants, it will become empowered.”


A Unique Course Curriculum to Support Your Growth & Conscious Evolution

Here is What’s Inside Eckhart Tolle’s 8-Module Program…

Teaching Module #1

Discovering Our Light in Times of Darkness: How Crisis Can Propel Your Deeper Awakening


  • What does it mean to “Be the Light”?
  • How crisis is part of the forward-moving process of evolution
  • Why “you can’t separate the shift from the crisis”
  • Transcending the polarities of chaos and order
  • The role of spiritual awakening in conscious evolution

Teaching MODULE #2

The Urgency of Transformation: The Opportunity We Now Have to Shift out of Egoic Identification


  • A deeper understanding of the ego and how it operates in us as individuals and at the level of the collective
  • The major stumbling blocks people encounter during times of crisis that further entrench egoic identification: righteousness, creating polarizations, avoidance strategies, and more
  • The discovery of the “Deep I” and how different it is to live from the “Deep I” versus living from our ego

Teaching MODULE #3

Bringing Consciousness to Specific Challenges That Often Arise During Times of Crisis


  • How we can respond skillfully to fears that many people are experiencing at this time, such as economic concerns, fears of civil unrest, etc.
  • At a personal level, how to “immunize ourselves” with Presence so we don’t get caught up in the collective waves of fear and panic when they arise
  • Specific advice for navigating times of personal crisis, such as the sudden discovery of an illness or dramatic loss of income, and how to navigate such crises as opportunities for awakening and evolution

Teaching MODULE #4

Transmuting Suffering into Peace


  • How do we take the suffering we might be experiencing during times of crisis and transmute that suffering into peace?
  • How can we relate to “Suffering as a Teacher” (instead of just wanting to avoid suffering at all costs)?
  • Is it possible to live with joy even as the outer world seems to be in such turmoil and crisis? How do I do that without being disconnected from the pain and suffering of others?
  • How do I find peace in the midst of so much outer uncertainty? Can you help me find a “peace that passes understanding” even as the outer world feels so unstable and unpredictable?

Teaching MODULE #5

Healing Divisiveness and Creating Understanding Across Differences


  • How does someone stay connected to Presence and the “Deep I” when in communication with others about hot-button topics?
  • Practices to amplify your “Presence power” before engaging “difficult” people or situations
  • How can we communicate a strong viewpoint or position without becoming identified so strongly with our position that we take a divisive stance? 
  • What does it mean to truly take the position of the other? How could this change political discourse and other discourse that seems to breed divisiveness?

Teaching MODULE #6

Conscious Communication: Interacting with Others from a Place of Presence


  • Buddhist teachers emphasize the importance of “mindful speech.” Eckhart teaches how to live from the “Deep I.” How do we speak from the “Deep I” so that our speech is beneficial and even healing to others?
  • How do we listen with real openness and spaciousness?
  • The power of asking questions as a skillful communication strategy
  • Recommendations on how to come up with questions that bring more Presence to a dialogue

Teaching MODULE #7

Conscious Evolution and Climate Change


  • What is “right action” in response to climate disruption?
  • The climate crisis as a potential driver of conscious evolution
  • How do we consciously work with the fear that many of us feel when looking at current climate trends?
  • Eckhart’s theory of human evolution—Survival of the Present!

Teaching MODULE #8

Creating a New Earth Together: Our Next Stop in Conscious Evolution


  • How the primary purpose of awakening relates to whatever our secondary purpose in the world is
  • What does it mean to “follow the evolutionary impulse” in your life and how does this enable us to align with our life purpose?
  • Bringing higher awareness to education, politics, medicine, science, finance, business, and more
  • Evolving beyond the need for additional suffering

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Registration is now closed.

Please sign up below if you would like to be notified when we reopen registration.

Frequently Asked Questions

Each of the eight modules with Eckhart Tolle were recorded during a live broadcast. In addition to these eight modules, Kim Eng will have four additional recorded modules. The modules with Iyanla Vanzant and Steve Taylor will also be recorded modules.

The course modules and bonuses were previously released in 2020. If you purchased Being the Light then, the core content is the same.

This is Eckhart’s core online training about being the light of consciousness in the world, and was created to help as many people as possible create from a place of Presence and consciousness. This teaching series is open to anyone who wants to evolve their consciousness.

We are here to support you along the way with any questions you may have about purchasing and accessing the course. For support please email: Sometimes our emails might end up in your Junk/Spam/Promotions folder, so please do check there!

The Being the Light Online Program Summary
Here’s everything you’ll receive when you enroll:


COURSE BEGINs August 1, 2022

Being the Light

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